Guest Info
Since each of us was a first time guest at some point, we know that being new can be a bit awkward.
Here’s what happens on a Sunday at SWAG (South Whidbey Assembly of God):
Some people arrive a bit earlier than others to grab a cup of coffee and a catch up with friends before the service begins.
We start off with 15-20 minutes of worship through singing and prayer followed by biblical teaching usually by Pastor Matt, but always with a fresh application to our current cultural context.
Every Sunday you can walk out the doors with some principle you can put to use on Monday.
People often stay around after the service to meet new people and connect with friends they may not have seen all week.
You’ll find a group of people who are ready to welcome you into a community who truly want to come alongside you and/or your family and to help you learn what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus.

We have answers to some of your questions about your first visit to SWAG.
Each weekend at SWAG, you’ll find a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with contemporary worship music and a practical, relevant message. Children are well-cared for in a loving nursery and a kid’s church service for kid’s 4 years through 4th grade.
If you are visiting for the first time, we will not embarrass you, have you stand up, or ask you to give money. We know that many people want to check out the church and “be anonymous” for awhile—and that’s fine with us! Our prayer is that you will sense God’s presence and be encouraged during our time of worship.
No one wears suits – some business casual – a lot of blue jeans – you’ll almost always see the speaker, Pastor Matt wearing blue jeans.
“SWAGY” (South Whidbey Assembly of God Youth) for students in 7th – 12th grade meets year round at 7:00pm on Wednesdays in Room 101.
At SWAG, your children are a top priority. Our nursery is clean, safe, and staffed with loving workers for infants up to 3 years old. There is also a mother’s room located at the back of the sanctuary for nursing mothers or mothers who wish to care for their young children during the service. To ensure privacy for nursing mothers we kindly request that men do not enter the Mother’s Room.
SWAG Kid’s is for ages 4 years through 4th grade, and is offered during both services immediately following the singing.